
Publicación Quince

"Ramiro habla con Ramiro y con Ramiro... O Mentirte Siempre es Bueno va tomando el poder de este ser..."
Serie de conversaciones adentro del autor, cuando no es autor. Por "Mentirte Siempre es Bueno" La agrupación de desconocidos que viven adentro de los seres humanos.

It's a scream, it's a beautiful scream...
No love for this guy. Not even a little. No words for this line. No prime. No pride. It's only a cloud... like a lie- No! Like beautiful lie in her mouth!!!
Lie to me... once- over and over- NO! This is not for you, unlucky bastard... this is for the end of her world! This is a regret. Is a bluey moody end... it´s an overall.
Scream in the meantime... a scream between us... kill it if you- No! rock it up greasily, come on rock it up!!!!
For real? jump it! come on jump it!!! Say bye and do it, just do it... have you put a nike one? So do it... for real? No! Wrong!! You are so wrong!! Jump back in your line... jump back between us... jump back into her lie, if you- No!! get back!!! get back!!! Tattoo me. Come on tattoo me, all over my- no!!! I say No!!!!! Why? Can I be? Why??? ´cause its a scream, everything is a scream between us!!! a beautiful one...


Blogger Nat said...

Buenísimo! Muy psicotic!

11:38 p. m.  

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